Friday, January 28, 2011

Cyclone Bianca set to cross into WA Sunday

Batten down the hatches a cyclones a coming!  Well that is what they are forecasting, due to reach Perth's Southwest, including Perth on Sunday sometime.  They are predicting strong winds and flash flooding, but do say that it won't bring down your house only trees....ah OK, that makes me feel a little better!  They suggest that residents keep informed, and make sure loose objects are secured.  I was wondering if my local shire where staying informed, as we have rubbish collection scheduled, and the streets are already starting to become a littered mess with boxes and junk flying all over the neighbourhood?  Imagine how things will look Monday?  I may end up with next doors PC on my doorstep, or even a new clothesline from the verge across the road!  As long as we are all informed.....right?  I am sure she will end up being just a few drops of rain & windy's hoping, as I have a lot sewing to do this weekend! Hope you are all enjoying your Friday where ever you may be x

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